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Experience the benefits of meditation anytime, anywhere

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Headspace at a glance

What it is

Online techniques to make people experience the benefits of meditation anytime, anywhere. 

Free Trial

14 Days​.


Guided meditations, animations, articles and videos. Meditation, Sleep, Stress-free, Move and Focus, Wake up & Mindfulness.


Free basic course and paid annual subscription.



Best For

Anyone who wants to learn the essentials of meditation and mindfulness. Anyone who wants more joy, getting more goodnights, and making everyday happier.

The Story

Launched in 2010 with a mission of improving the health and happiness of the world​. Headquartered in Santa Monica, California, and offices in San Francisco and London.


4.9 Stars.

Number of Users



Meditation and mindfulness for any mind, any mood, any goal. Stress less, Get in the zone with Focus music, Unwind with sleep sound and music, Mood-boosting workouts, yoga, and more. Headspace App included on Apple Store and Android.

Number of Downloads

70+ Million.

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