Sebastian Schieke at a glance
Subjects / Topics
5 Keystones of Entrepreneurship, and The Unshakeable Entrepreneur.
Best For
empowering you to overcome any obstacle, challenge, or adversity in your path – making you bold, exceptional and outstanding.
Score / Review
Number of Courses
Two courses.
Get unstuck challenge free email series and workbook. And two state-of-art courses for real entrepreneurs.
Free resources and two paid courses.
Collaborations / Universities
Courses are created by Sebastian Schieke, a business expert based in Germany who has overcome a lot of business challenges and shared his experience in his website and courses.
The Story
Started with a well-known entrepreneur based in Germany when he had no income, no customers, no projects, and he was able to change all of that to again making a successful story. After, he decided to share his experience with other entrepreneurs to help them become exceptional, outstanding and bold.