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Udacity at a glance
Subjects / Topics
Business, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Autonomous Systems, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Data Science, Programming and Development, and Product Management.
Number of Courses
Hundreds of free and paid courses.
Certified courses, Nanodegree programs, many free courses.
Score / Review
High plus.
Number of Users
1.6+ Million.
Collaborations / Universities
Google, IBM Watson, Facebook, Microsoft, AWS, Intel, Twitter, Mercedes-Benz, Tableau, Insight, Kaggle, Hootsuite, MailChimp, Moz, Waymo, HubSpot, Amazon Alexa, Upwork, and more industry leaders.
Udacity is not accredited but is surely good on your CV.
Many free courses, free resources,, and paid Nanodegree programs.
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